So, having a million things to update on, and post about, naturerally I decided to completely put that off, and post about my favorite things. In order for you to get to know me better; cause the people who read this blog aren't like my best friends and family and church family members. Not at all! :) So without further ado -
I love...
Hiking: I love hiking! Yes, I will at times gripe about how tired, sweaty, and exhausted I am when I'm trudging up a stupid hill in the sun, but I love it afterwards! My all time favorite hike was when Danny, Nick and I hiked up Thunder Mountain. It was SO worth it! The view was awesome. I climbed up to the top of the rock that's up there, where the flag is, and just sat there and stared, mouth hanging open! I love nature, so just seeing that! It was so beautiful! So, yeah, hiking is one of my favorite things! I'm actually hoping that Danny will go hiking with me soon. (of course, I blab his ear off when he takes me, so that's probably not his idea of a fun Saturday......hiking with is talkative little sister)
Biking: I love to ride my bike; which really stinks, when you consider that we have pretty much no where to ride our bikes! Our street below the house is rather small as it's a court, and the street above our house is too dangerous to ride our bikes. *sigh* It irks me to no end.
Sewing: Okay, so I can't really sew that well, but I still like too. I turn up my radio(or rather mom's radio, since the sewing machine is in her room) grab some fabric, and start to. So I have a tendency to......shall we say, press the pedal thingy to hard when I'm what?! Besides, I have successfully made a skirt, a piano bag, a costume(with alot, alot, alot of help from my aunt.......well, actually she pretty much made the whole thing.) and am in the process of making another dress. But I will say this.........I HATE SEWING PATTERNS!!!!!!!!!! Which is why the dress I'm making is completely creative. I thought it up in my head! Aren't I so good? (and you are ordered to say 'yes' to that question, if you must answer) :)
Sparring: There's just something about beating the tar out of someone and pounding away at them, without being told to stop, and actually being encouraged to do it, that is exhilarating, fun, and refreshing. Er.......well.....that is, getting the tar beat out of you and being pounded on.....if you're me. But I still love it. Which is amazing when you think about it, seeing as I am a complete wimp, hate pain, and have a lump on my shin from sparring, and making contact with my brother's stupid elbow! But then, I've been hit in the head a few times, so that's probably why. :) Anyway, sparring is on of my favorite things, and I absolutely love it!!!!!! (I'm violent, okay!)
Karateing: Look, I made up a new word! I enjoy Karate quite a bit, (mainly the sparring!) and it is one of my favorite things! Besides, it's satisfying to know that you could beat someone into the cement if you had too. Or, that is, at least pretend and think and imagine you could, in my case.
Baking: I love baking; because, when you bake, you get to eat the finished product, as well as eat samples of what you're making along the way! And if there is anyone who loves food, it's me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOOD ROCKS! And sugar............sugar is INDESCRIBABLY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bible Studies: There is nothing better then a deep, in depth bible study! Just to be able to study God's word with a group of Christians, and be taught things, and shown things you never saw or realized before. This really should be at the top of the list, but I'm too lazy to move it up. So it will have to stay down here. But Bible Studies are definitely one of my favorite things!
Sparring: Oh, I already mentioned sparring? Well, I love it so much I had to mention it again, just in case you forgot! :)
Babies: I LOVE BABIES, I LOVE BABIES, I LOVE BABIES! Did I mention I love babies? They are totally one of my favorite things! They are such an awesomely amazing created thing. God made them so cute, and Innocent and fragile and..........adorable! I can't wait till I have one of my own. Of course getting married is usually required before that happens, so I guess I'll have to wait till I meet my prince/knight/hero/cowboy/husband. *sigh* I love babies!
Cooking: Cooking is almost as good as baking. Only thing that puts a damper on it is the fact that it usually doesn't require sugar! But food is awesome, so cooking is one of my favorite things!
Walking: I love walks! I love just walking through the woods, or through a meadow, or whatever. I love nature, so I love walking through nature! God's creation is so incredible and I love it!
Running: I absolutely love running. I have no endurance what-so-ever, but I love running. It makes me feel free and.........something else....not sure how to describe it. But it is one of my favorite things to do!
Horseback riding......western style: I'm a cowgirl! I don't have a horse, but I'm still a cowgirl! I love horses, always have, love riding them western style, love, love, love them! I've always been a cowgirl too! Cowboy boots, flannel shirt, jeans, cowboy boots dangle earrings, and cowboy hat! Now that's what I call an outfit!
Singing: I think that ever since I could talk, maybe even before, I was belting out a song. Didn't matter whether or not I sounded good. I still 'sang'. And I still do! Being a loud mouth, it isn't exactly that hard for me. Now, excuse me for a moment whilst I belt out the chorus to 'Power of the Cross'.
This, the pow'r of the cross
Christ became sin for us
Took the blame, bore the wrath—
We stand forgiven at the cross.
This, the pow'r of the cross
Son of God—slain for us
What a love! What a cost!
We stand forgiven at the cross.
okay, moving on.....
Tree Climbing: OH YEAH! Who doesn't like to climb up a tree? I mean, come on now! I love to climb trees. I can even do it in a skirt, and I do it all the time bare-footed! fun, fun, fun! One of my favorite things to do, very muchly so!
Ultimate fighting: Now this is fun! Nick and I love doing this. Or anyway I do. We totally get some ultimate fighting going on, rolling around on the floor, wrestling, making up 'bars' and moves! We so totally rock!!!!!!! And for everyone's info, I win everytime! (cough)
Oh, and, no, we do not actually punch each other! We aren't that redneckish! sheesh!
Playing the piano: Love it! I think I've played the Power of the Cross five times already today! I love playing the piano, though I'm not that good. I use to despise it, but I love it know. It's like poetry and has completely grown on me. Now if I could only play as well as Nathan Jackson, or Shirla Cox! Then I could die happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arguing/debating: Doesn't this one shock you, *Jane*? (cough, cough!) I absolutely love arguing! As the results to some stupid personality quiz that I took one day out of boredom and wanting to laugh(it succeeded in making me laugh!) I love arguing to the point of hairsplitting just for fun! Which can get quite annoying, I know!'s one of my favorite things!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesus: How can I not love Jesus? He died for me! Jesus Christ, the Holy, pure, awesome, Son of God, took on my sin, my wrongs, my impurities, so that I could have life through His name and be set free from my sins and from an eternity in hell! WOW, WOW, and double WOW! That's love! I am indebted to Him and I love Him! I don't love Him as much as I should, unfortunately, but I am determined to live my life for Him, as it is no longer mine, but His, since I have given it over to Him, and I am determined to try to glorify and honor Him in all that I do, think, and act! Jesus is my number one favorite thing! He is my God, my savior, my King, my Lord, my precious, Holy, Lord, and I love Him!
So there you have it. Getting to know Cara by 19 of her Favorite Things. Cara's Favorite Things! :)