Monday, August 31, 2009

From baby to little boy......

Happy Birthday, Jackson!!!!!!
*I wrote this Monday, but didn't get around to posting it until today.
Today is my baby brother's 4th birthday! Yesterday afternoon we celebrated it at my grandparent's house. Jacko Bean had a blast, and is very pleased with his presents! He has been playing with them all day today. He also really liked the birthday card from Uncle John. It's one of those cards that has an image that moves, as you move the card back and forth. He was so proud of the fact that he was turning four!

(The food was very good by the way! Very, very good! That was my favorite part! Not really, but it was a very enjoyable part!) As you can see, he had a lot of presents!

I can't believe that my baby boy is 4. He can't grow up! He's not allowed too! He's getting too big, too fast. He's not my little baby any more! He's a little man now! My little baby all grown up! *SOB* Okay, I'm good now! I really don't know where the time has gone though. He's still as cute as ever though! And still as mischievous as ever, too, getting into everything.

Happy Birthday, Bubba!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. 'Victor Hugo'.

Music: music is a big part of my world. I love music! There is something so awesome about music. when listening to music, it take you on a incredible, imaginative, magical journey; it can take you into someone else's heart, soul, and life. Music is a way of relieving, and reliving emotions. It can ease your burdened soul, and lift you soaring over the clouds.
'Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ~Berthold Auerbach'
Without music, there would be no point in living. Life itself is music, is a song. Music is therapy to your soul. Music can be a refuge and hiding place, or a way of expressing your joy. It can be used to praise God, and express love and adoration for Him. It can cause one to sigh with joy and happiness, or sigh with pain and sorrow. It can cause one to laugh, to cry, to smile, to remember.
'Music is the art which is most nigh to tears and memory. ~Oscar Wilde'
Music is life and without music there is no life. Music can take you to the land of nonsense and wake you up to reality. It can explain things better then words can at times. It is beauty and art, that you hear rather then see. It is emotions put to a melody. It is, in a sense, it's own spirit.
It can be mysterious, magical, sorrowful, joyful, full of love, full of pain, full of truth, or humorous. It can cause you to cry out in anger, smile with joy, laugh in pleasure, and fall into your memories. Music expresses what is inside the soul. It can not be contained. It ought not to be contained. Music can express what is impossible to speak, and soothes and gives rest to the soul.
'Music is an outburst of the soul. ~Frederick Delius'
In short, music is life, life is music. I am persuaded that, were music to to cease to exist, were music to be stopped, life would cease. If life did not cease, then it would be just as well if it did, for life without music, is life without meaning. The sky would turn grey, the trees, the grass, everything would grow dim and dusty. The color all around us would die away. All things good would disappear.
'To stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself, incredible and inconceivable.' 'Aaron Copland'
Each person's life is a song; a song that God is playing. I can just see God sitting up in Heaven, violin in hand, playing someone's song....someone's life. It has been said that God writes our lives. I say God plays our lives. He has an entire orchestra up in heaven playing our song, our life.
'Music is God’s best gift to man; the only art of heaven given to earth, the only art of earth we take to heaven. Walter Savage Lander'
'Words make you think a thought. Music makes you feel a feeling. A song makes you feel a thought.” E.Y. Harburg'
'Without music, life is a journey through a desert. Pat Conroy'
'I have no pleasure in any man who despises music. It is no invention of ours: it is a gift of God. I place it next to theology. Satan hates music: he knows how it drives the evil spirit out of us. Martin Luther'

New blog background and sad news, and other ramblings.

So.....whatcha think of my totally awesome new blog background and header? Personally, I think it's amazing! But that's just me. It fits me perfectly, though, because I love vintage things, and I love music, and pretty things, and old things and yeah! It's so cool! And you are not allowed to comment on how many times I've changed my blog background since I've had my blog! I just happen to like variety, and there are just so many cute and amazing and pretty blog backgrounds! I like this one the most though! I even had to work on the header, to put my blog name on it! Twas hard work! Not really, but.....what ever.
Anyways, now for the sad news.......

Colette left for college again this morning!!!!!! It's sad! Very sad! Last night was our last pizza night with her. I miss her already! Luckily, the wonderful invention of Windows Live Messenger was thought up and invented!

Okay, now for the ramblings.......

Tomorrow we are celebrating Jackson's 4th birthday! I can't believe he's 4! I mean, he's not a baby anymore! *sniff* My little boy's all grown up! Anyways, we are leaving for my grandparent's house after church and it should be fun. There will be lots of good food, so I know that I'm going to have a good time! :)

I wrote another song, complete with music! I'm so awesome! (come on, just play along, and nod your head.)

Oo, I sparred Thursday night, and didn't injure my ankle further! That's always a plus. Of course, I couldn't kick with that leg, because of my stupid ankle, and thus pretty much lost each time I sparred, but it was fun! I also learned my Katas that I need to know for the upcoming belt test, which is good.

I am getting my tonsil's yanked in October. Should be fun.......not! But, supposedly there is a 95% chance of my sore throats to go away, so I think it will be worth it! Now, if I just heal in time for the harvest party, it will all be good! Don't think I'll get that lucky though. They better give me strong drugs.......very strong pain meds! Wimps like me don't like pain.

My ankle is still swollen and it's annoying me!

I can't think of anything more to ramble about, so I'll end this post. Keep praying for the guy from my Karate class, Josh, and his family. From what I understand, he's getting better, but now his brother's sick with it too, and in the hospital. So keep praying for them.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Prayerful Wednesday!

Yesterday was Thankful Tuesday, and I gave thanks for what I was thankful for. I have some things on my heart that are in need of prayer though, so today is 'Prayerful Wednesday'. (Aren't I so clever with this names)? I will start with the most important, and end in the least important.

There is a guy from my Karate class who is in the hospital with Meningitis. Please pray for him and his family. They could really use the prayers. Pray that God will heal Josh, and that God will be with him and his family during this time.

Please pray for Annie H, as she is continuing to recover from her scoliosis surgery.

Pray for my ankle to get better. I kicked this big old lug last night, named Nick and twisted it! Nick and I were sparring, for about five minutes, and then, well.......I kicked......and my foot bounced off of him and......hurt! Stupid idiot that I am! Anyways, just pray that it will get better quickly. Not that important of a thing, but, I'm lame like that, and am asking for prayer. :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Get Away, Jordan!

Best song, EVER!

Air-soft battles, good-byes, and belt tests....

Last Sunday, we had a big air-soft battle get-together. Twas great fun! *Jane* and Nathaniel came over, along with two of the 'M brothers', Matt and Michael, Mitchel and his brother Philip, and Jason, a young man from our church. Colette came over too, to visit and have linner/lunner with us, not to air-soft. We had a lot of fun-that is I had a lot of fun as did Danny, I can't really speak for the others, though I hope they had fun! And there was lots of food! We had spaghetti, garlic bread, and salad. We also had Chocolate Cake, German Chocolate Cake, Cheese Cake, with blackberry sauce, and ice-cream with chocolate syrup! (you wanted to know exactly what we ate, right)? It was good!!!!!!!!!!!! And it was the day before Omi's birthday, so we sang happy birthday to her! Last Sunday, Danny, Colette and I also did two specials, which was kinda fun. It was a good Sunday!

Colettey is leaving us soon though. She leaves for college again this Saturday. Tis very sad! I'll miss her! Our whole family will miss her! But, she'll be back and thank God for E-Mail and Windows Live Messenger! Love ya, Co-Co!

Well, I gotta go practice Kata's. There's a belt test coming up, and I need to be ready! I am going to take it and I will pass.......thus I must practice! sigh! Ta ta for now!

Thankful Tuesdays!

Okay, well, since I kinda skipped last Tuesday....well, skipped last Tuesday's, 'Thankful Tuesday' post......I guess I couldn't get by with skipping this week's 'Thankful Tuesday'. Colette might yell at me. :)

I am thankful for my brain! It is so helpful to have! Of course, half the time, I think I lose it......and sometimes I don't use's nice to have!

I am thankful that we can afford Christian school books, and that my family home schools; I am thankful that I can learn at home; I am thankful that my teacher is my mom; and I am thankful for school days!

I am thankful for the cool days that we've been having lately around here. I am thankful that I can spar in Karate again! I am thankful for the time I got to spend with Colettey this summer, when she was home for the summer!

I am thankful for my little Jacko Bean! He brings such flavor to my life, and so many smiles to my face!

I am thankful for friends to airsoft with, and have big airsoft battles with. I am thankful that we had a good time during the last airsoft battle get-together that we just had, last Sunday!

I am thankful that I can go to God in prayer and talk to Him, anytime of the day, anywhere on earth!

So that's it. That is what I'm thankful for this week!
Smile! Life is better then you deserve!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


There was alot of fun had when we went up to Shot Rock Vista to watch the meteor shower! Oh yeah, alot of fun!!!!!!

Here are the girls' feet, sticking out of the blanket we were huddled in, trying to stay warm!

Speaking of staying warm, here I am freezing to death that night! It was pretty warm in that blanket though.


Brittany and Mitchel

the two terrorists...........actually, just Nathaniel and Mitchel.
(they do look like terrorists though).Samantha......she is so hard to get a picture of.....

Danny.....he is almost as hard to get pictures of...

See what I mean!Pretty pink clouds!

The pretty sunrise that morning!

Nathaniel, taking pictures.

Colette, lighting up the night with her smile....a tired....but beautiful smile!

Nathaniel, trying to kill Colette.......

Colette...being 'Colette'

Me......Colette insisted in taking my picture
(give me a break! I was sleep deprived and running hyper on coffee, sugar, and exhaustion)!

See! There was alot of fun that awesome night and morning!

Monday, August 17, 2009

First day of school!!!!!!!

Yesterday was the first day of school for us! While I'm not a huge fan of 'school' it was kind of nice to get back on a schedule. It was the first day of preschool for Jackson, too, and he was so excited and proud!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A whole lota catching up to do....

Well! Alot has been happening around here.......I kept meaning to blog about it, but I was too busy doing it. I haven't had alot of spare blogging time. Friday the 7th we visited the H family, which happen to be dear friends from church. Annie H is the girl who had scoliosis back surgery a little while ago. She is getting better and is doing very well, which is totally awesome! Praise the Lord! We had a very nice and fun visit with them. I gave Annie the get well skirt I made her, and we played dress up, and...well the game that we always play when we play there. It doesn't really have a name.....Ellia and I are the good, and Nick and Joe are usually the bad guys who are chasing us and trying to kill us or take our money.....cause I'm a rich princess! A rich, beautiful, princess, I might add! But I digress. Our money was quite safe though, as we hid it from the villains quite nicely. Oh, and as a side note, if you ever need a body guard, Ellia makes a perfect one; 'cause she's cool like that. We had a lovely, delicious lunch there, that Mrs. H had prepared, and the yummiest tea! I have decided that their house is one of my favorite places to go.

Last Saturday, as in the 8th, we had a spur of the moment Yosemite trip.........for a picnic! Yup, we drove over three hours Saturday morning to Yosemite for a picnic. All because we are cool like that! I love the freedom of spontaneous! People who aren't spontaneous take all the joy out of life. Anyways, we had a fun and lovely time, having a glorious picnic, and sightseeing a bit. Oh, and taking lots of pictures whilst inside the car. But that was just me. Everyone else just told me I was nuts, and that my pictures wouldn't look as good as the pictures others have taken and put online. But it was fun! and I like my is cool!
'Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.'
~Aaron Siskind~
'Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.'
~Dorothea Lange ~
For myself I hold no preferences among flowers, so long as they are wild, free, spontaneous. Bricks to all greenhouses! Black thumb and cutworm to the potted plant!
~Edward Abbey~
(See, spontaneous is good!)

Last Sunday, the 9th, my Uncle 'Sock' and Aunty Lynn came up with carpet that had been in their house they bought a while ago. The carpet was only a year old, and in very good condition, but they wanted wood floors, so they tore it out. They gave it to us though, since we needed carpet for our bedrooms. It was a fun little visit and they stayed for dinner, which was very yummy!

Last Monday thru Wednesday were very busy and tiring, as we spent them clearing out everything out of the bedrooms, since the carpet was being layed Thursday. I also had an orthodontist appointment Tuesday, which regarding that.......drum rolls please.......I found out I only have to wear my retainer at night now!!!!!! (psst.......that's a good thing! Be happy!)
Then, Wednesday night, Danny, Nick, Samantha, and I headed over to the Bland's house, where Colette and Mitchel were going to be as well. We watched a movie till a bit past midnight, then went to try and go to sleep, the girls in *Jane*'s room, the boys in Nathaniel's. Sleep doesn't come quickly in such circumstances we all got less then 30 minutes of sleep in our room, besides Sam, who snored peacefully, for an hour or more. We got up at two, which explains the 30 minutes a bit better. The reason was that we were going to drive to Shot Rock vista for our second annual meteor shower viewing! The girls went in Colette's car, the boys in Dan's, with his car in the lead. By the way, Danny drives fast at two thirty in the morning........very fast! I have never seen him drive so fast! I was rather glad I was in Colette's car.....though she had a few issues too...... :). She and Samantha and I had iced mochas' though, so we were happy! (*Jane* doesn't like coffee). And Colette had a playlist made just for the occasion! The meteor shower was okay, though not as good as last year. I didn't really notice or care, since I wasn't there for the stars. It was immensely fun, though! And I took lots of pictures....not of meteor's or stars, but of people! :) But I shan't post the pictures of the meteor shower event in this post. Those are worthy of a post that is saved for them alone! We were all exhausted and dead Thursday, but it was worth it, me thinks!

Friday was Dan's 20 birthday, and we had pizza and games with Colette. And, of course, we had 'Dirt Cake', now renamed, by Danny, 'Ultimate Chocolate Cake'. He has had this same cake every birthday for every one of his birthdays, since he was like 5. A scoop of vanilla ice cream completed the dessert! I still can't believe he is 20........I mean, that's like, crazy! He can't be 20! But he is........weird.......unreal.........crazy!!!!!!!!

Saturday was a Karate Tournament, in Stockton. Danny was entered in four events, and so he, Dad, Samantha, and myself went to the tournament. It was fun to watch. Of course, if one wasn't interested in such things, I guess they wouldn't find it fun to watch, but I did! Danny took two third places, and two fourth places. I don't remember what everyone else from Karate class who entered placed, but I know they did good! I mean, of course they did. They are from our dojo! Thus they are awesome! Sensei Peoples, and Sensei Curtis were actually judging at this tournament, which was kinda neat. The other two Sensei's weren't involved, but that's because Sensei Mike was busy, an d Sensei Cameron...well I don't know what his excuse is, but I guess he just didn't want to participate. He was there though, so I guess he's excused. :) I wished awfully that I could have entered in sparring, but because I have Mono and have a stupid enlarged spleen, I couldn't. *SIGH* Oh, well. Next time. I do get to start doing Karate and sparring, this Thursday, now though, if I wear a chest protector to protect my spleen! YAY!

Phew! That was alot to type! But now you are caught up on everything. :)

There, that should keep you from being bored for a little while, Colette. You should be happy now. You have a boredom fix for a while.

(more pictures to come soon!)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Thankful Tuesday!

Today is Thankful Tuesday; and do you know why? Because I have named it thus, of course! Every Tuesday from now on is to be Thankful Tuesday, and I shall post about what I am thankful for each week! (Now is the part where you clap and cheer and say what a wonderful idea it is, please and thank you). :) Anyways...........I am thankful for:

My amazing family and the wonderful Christian friends that God has blessed me with;

For the blessing of being able to read, and being able to afford good books.

I am thankful that I have a house to live in, a bed to sleep in, clothes to wear, and food to eat!

I am thankful that I am perfectly healthy, for the most part, and am able to walk, talk, hear, see, and breathe without problems, things which I seem to take for granted!

I am thankful to have the ability to sew, and for the blessing of owning a sewing machine.

I am so thankful that we have been blessed with air conditioning, and a community pool that is two minutes away from our house!

"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
1 Thessalonians 5:18