Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Curly the praying plant

This is Curly.

Curly is a Prayer Plant.
At night, his leaves curl up in prayer. Thus, his name is curly. However.....Curly is not a very spiritually mature plant yet, and has not yet quite mastered curling his leaves in prayer, each night.
Curly was a gift from my Colettey! I shall love and care for Curly till his dying day. Isn't he just so cute? Yes, he is. He is very cute!

SnowFlower Camping Trip

Jackson whacked his face on the metal leg of the picnic table the first day. He had a wowzers of a bruise/scrape on his face below his eye all week long.
Chinese eyes! Jackson's latest 'funny face'.

Jackson makes this picture!

On this camping trip, there was coloring.....

there was reading......

and there was swimming!

This is what the big boys do when at the pool.......pretty exciting, eh?

Happy Camper

Mom and I

Funny Faces time!


Goofy boy

And no camping trip is complete without a trip to Dairy Queen, right?

Family Camping Trip, August 2010! Epic.