Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Today is a special day. Why? Because on this same day of a different year (never mind what year it was) my wonderful mother was born! On that day she saw the light of day, the world became a better place and the angels rejoiced. Or so I like to think. My mom is an amazing, incredible woman, and I thank God for her everyday. Thanks Mommy, for being the best mom ever! I love you.

Friday, April 15, 2011

My life lately

I know, I know.....I change my background and layout way to much. But, isn't this new look just beautiful? It just inspires so many thoughts! I like to change it up once and a while, anyways. I mean, a blog has to change it's outfit every now and then, right? Right. Anyways, I love my blog's new look. It's peaceful, thoughtful, thought provoking, creatively inspiring, and has a summer feel to it.

In other news, life is good. It feels and smells like summer here in Riverside, setting my mind and thoughts on camping trips, beach trips, and barbecues. Along with the glorious weather has been wonderful, blessed times with friends; bible studies, concerts, plays, parties, Nerf gun battles, prank wars, and thought provoking chats. Can I just say that I really want a Nerf/dart gun of my own? Okay, I really want a Nerf/dart gun of my own. There, I said it. I went to CBU's McBeth was crazy good. I have redecorated my dorm room and straightened/cleaned it up. I struggle daily with trying to survive the frigid conditions the air conditioner above my bed in my dorm room is trying to create (I am struggling with it right now as I blog, as a matter of a fact). I signed up for rooming for next year. I will be living at 'The Colony' on campus in a one bedroom, three girl apartment. I also have gone through 1.1 billion academic degree/career plans and finally settled on my one billion and second plan, filled out the 'degree planner', and registered for classes. This plan involves majoring in Early Childhood Studies, graduating a semester early, getting an AA in health studies, and going over seas. Of course, God may have other plans, but it helps to have a starter plan to base my life on for the time being. I have had spiritual highs.....and spiritual lows. I have fallen away from God, and I've grown closer to Him. I've fought spiritual battles and won and I've fought spiritual battles and lost. I have wrestled with the concept of singleness and accepting and being content not only with it now, but with the idea and possibility of being in the position of singleness for all my life here on earth. Life, it's a roller coaster. But's also good.
I am currently contemplating making a Tumblr account, to post inspirational quotes, bible verses that strike me, creative writing pieces I have been inspired to write, and other such things on it. This blog is for my life but Tumblr could be for quotes and bible verses and such. It's a thought. But it is also another time eater. I shall have to think about it. 3 blogs and facebook is really quite enough for one girl. 2 of the blogs are sadly neglected and the 3rd, this one, is also often neglected and goes through long periods of silence.
As a last piece of news.......John Bolin is engaged. Let's just say it's the bustle, buzz and gossip on campus right now. And Easter Break is in five days. That is all for now. I shall leave you with the words of 1 John 2:15.

"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him."

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Symphony of Praise

Their voices swell upwards, filling the room, surrounding the room, in graceful, flowing symphony, riding through the air. The sound ebbing from the strings soars through the room in a poised, elegant, and yet uninhibited work of art. The brass section splashes bright colors onto the masterpiece, adding an excitement to the ‘painting’. And the piano….the piano is the foundation of this magnum opus, setting the feel and emotion behind the beauteous, heavenly sound of this creation.

- Inspired while sitting in during UCO's rehearsal on 4/12/11

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Boredom's Cure

"The best cure for boredom is spending time with Jesus."