Monday, April 16, 2012

I be a weird's fun.

I'm a complex person. My entire being is intricate. I have an very 'different' style....much to my best friend's chagrin. A lady of style, she always appears put together and fashionable. Me....well, I don't. if I'm tired or not feeling well, I will emerge out of the house in a sweater and yoga pants, tucked into my black comfy Ugg boots. Today, I wore my teal sweater with a golden design on the front, my blue jeans, and knee high brown suede boots. I even styled my hair and put make up on. I actually looked put together and nice and I think even my friends of fashion would have approved. Another day this week, I'll probably be wearing my hot pink pants with a wild design on them. My style is all over the place. It's unique, weird, and....different. Perhaps it's unfashionable. But frankly, I don't care. I wear what I feel like wearing. I look like I feel like looking. I walk barefoot in town. I dye my hair with Kool Aid. I sing loudly and off key, where ever I go. I yell 'Poop!' when things don't go my way. I constantly am making noises. I burp...loudly. I alternate from listening to a rap song to a southern gospel song. When I'm angry, I scream and yell. When I"m sad, I vent to a friend and eat ice cream. When I'm happy, I shout for all the world to know. I laugh very loudly. I talk loudly too. I say awkward things. I do awkward things. I hold peoples hands. I paint my toe nails lime green. When I eat food, I take large bites. I chew my gum loudly. I wrestle with my brothers. I go swimming in the lake with my siblings. I leave the house with my hair unbrushed sometimes. I drink pickle juice. I dance in the rain. I walk barefoot in the snow. I stomp in puddles. I talk to myself in the mirror. I watch Korean dramas with subtitles. I chase turkeys. I inspect mens beards. I wear mismatching socks. It's who I am. I like being different. I like being weird. I like being unique. I don't want to be something else. I don't want to be someone else. I have fun being weird. I have fun being me. When you stop caring about what you look like, how you look, how other people see is more fun. Really. I stopped caring and started living live with full abandon, arms wide open, with passion and color. I think that's how God wants us to live. (While living in Him and obeying Him and such like, of course). Life is short, folks. Live it to the fullest.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Random pictures

Heh. Today I looked at a bunch of old (well, not really old, only a year or two old) pictures. And so I selected a few and put them on here. Cause I'm cool like that. I love my life.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Gluten, Birthdays, and Cars

My poor little blog. You've been so neglected. I apologize. It's tumblr's fault, really. I shall try to post a bit more frequently. No promises though. The last couple of months have been interesting. I have gone through so many different emotions. Hmm...I must be a girl, lol. I'll start out with my sickness story.

I have been feeling unwell for quite a while now, probably 3 or 4 years. It started with a case of mononucleosis. Then I started having stomach problems. My stomach would bother me whenever I ate. It was only occasional and slight at first, but slowly got worse. When I went away to college, I found that every time I ate something, my stomach would hurt. I would curl up on my bed and sit there waiting for the pain to go away. I thought maybe it was just the cafeteria food. When I came home in December, I was hoping it would get better. However, it didn't. My stomach continued to hurt after I ate and joints would hurt, my muscles would ache, and my entire body would constantly ache. The last couple of months I've been exhausted and in pain. I would sit in my brother's chair (I kidnap it during the week while he's at school, hehe) with my heating pad, curled up, wishing the pain and fatigue would go away. My mom started thinking that maybe it was a food allergy. She suggested maybe I had a gluten intolerance. I happen to have a lot of symptoms of Celiac Disease. I even was given a blood test for Celiac Disease last year. However, it came back negative. But we decided that it wouldn't hurt to go off of gluten for a while and see if it made me feel better. At that point, I was willing to try anything. So, I went off of gluten a little less than a month ago. At first, there wasn't much of a change. But after about two weeks, I started feeling much better. My stomach didn't hurt and my aches were gone, for the most part. To test and make sure that it really was the gluten, I started eating it again last Friday and Saturday. was gluten. My body is still trying to get that gluten out of my system, even though I haven't eaten any gluten since Saturday. Talk about a high maintenance stomach........sheesh. I am having a hard time saying goodbye to gluten, however, I am very happy that I figured out what was making me sick. I am very glad to not have to be curled up in a chair, cuddling with my heating pad and moaning in pain, trying not to cry. I can give up gluten if it means feeling normal again. My mom made me gluten free raman noodles today for lunch and I made gluten free flourless peanut butter cookies for snack today! It made me very happy.

Let's see. What else? Between now and the last time I blogged, I turned 20. I feel rather old now. My birthday celebration was a splendid thing. My grandparents came up, as did Omi, and Colette was home for spring break and so was able to come. There was a splendid feast, that involved lasagna and garlic bread. It was right before I went off of gluten so I was able to eat it. I got awesome white lace shoes, jewelry, candy, and money. Colette, Danny, and Nick took me to a Christian music concert the night before, as my birthday present, which was splendid and tons of fun. Later on, after my grandparents had left, my friend Kevin came over. He moved away recently, but he was back in town that weekend, so was able to come. He gave me a 'Mer' bumper sticker!'s pretty awesome! I'm just saying. We had banana splits instead of cake, and they were scrumptious. We also made Colette play Halo, which was amusing. Annnd we spent a lot of time tickling Colette....because that's always fun. It was a splendid birthday celebration. I loved it. On my actual birthday, my mom took me shopping...there were clearance racks.....I came home with lots of clothes and two pairs of shoes. I just love clearance racks.... :)

Last Saturday, my Dad and I went car shopping. We spent the whole day looking at cars and making phone calls, with no luck. Finally, on our way back home, we stopped to look at one last car. This car was actually nice. We continued home, to think about it, got home, and decided that that was the car to buy. So my dad called the guy up and gave him an offer, we ate a quick dinner, and then we headed back down to buy the car! This car is an Oldsmobile 88....and it is splendid! Sebastian is the perfect first car. His seats are like sofas. So comfy. He is so spacious and roomy inside. And he's not an ugly color...he's a nice light blue/gray color. Let's just say that I'm quite attached. Sebastian and I are going to be good fact, we already are. He went to the repair shop to have his emergency brake fixed today. So, now, he's in great shape.

Weeelp, I have run out of things today. I shall be back soon to blog again, hopefully. more keeps raining and snowing......doesn't the weather know that it's SPRING?! I am ready for winter to be over.....that is all. TTFN.