Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers day, a day late, to my fantastic, awesome, cool, totally bad to the bone, Daddy! He is totally the MAN! He gets up heck-a early to drive to Sacramento to work every morning, and works hard each day for us, his family! He is my ultimate Hero, besides Jesus! He drives us kids to Karate and AWANA every week, takes us camping (yay!) and just totally ROCKS!!!!! He can make me laugh, no matter what, and is definitely #1! He is dependable, reliable, and awesome and I love him more then any other guy in the whole wide world! I thank God each day for blessing me with such a wonderful, caring, amazing father, and I don't know what I would do without him! I wouldn't be the person I am and am becoming if it weren't for my dad!
Thank you Daddy, for everything! I love you!
My Knight in Shining Armor
My daddy is my knight in shining armor,
He’s my protector and my hero.
Others amount, next to him, to nothing, zilch, and zero.

He’s my only true love next to Christ,
I love him very much and he loves me.
He does his job with royalty.

Now he isn’t a saint, and no he isn’t perfect,
But he does his best and though some say their dad’s a pest,

Friday, June 12, 2009

Kevin is no more......

Now, before you get crazy and wild ideas in your head, such as 'the kitten got smashed underneath a car tire', or 'Jacko Bean sat on the kitten and squashed him to death', let me explain. :) Kevin the Kitten is no more, because, Charlie the Kitten is. Kevin was a disliked and hated name by all but me it seemed; for a cat that is, not a person. Soooo......after flinging various names into the air, I decided upon Charlemagne (Charlie). Pretty clever, huh?! (don't answer, that was a rhetorical question)! He is the darnest, cutest thing ever!!!!!!! And I've been talking (or rather IM'ing) the ears off of my friends about my little, cute Charlie! He is a complete rascal, seeming to always be everywhere at once, and getting into things. He loves people, and being in their laps, and HATES, absolutely HATES, being locked up! But, tough luck, little guy! Another thing about Charlie is that he is a lean, mean, purring machine! He only stops purring when he's locked up, or the dog comes to close, it seems. He's full of pep and energy and LOVES climbing, and I mean LOVES! Jumping is also something he seems to love! And chicken! But anyways.........the point of this post was simply to say that the kitten, my kitten, has a new name, and is no longer 'Kevin'. (By the way, this guy's claws are sharp. I have the proof all over my arms and hands, as well has my side, stomach, neck, and to a lesser degree, legs)!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My little Smoochie Pooh!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Charlie's here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isn't he the cutest, most adorable thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(and in case you are wondering, he is named after the Kevin from UP in 3D!) He is about 9 weeks old, and a scrawny, tiny thing!

