Monday, September 26, 2011

CBU, Russia: Year 2

My poor little blog, you have been quite neglected haven't you? I shall try to blog more diligently. Well, the lazy days of summer have disappeared and been replaced by the hectic days of school. I'm 456 miles away from my there are no more days curled up on the couch with him and a book. Instead my days consist of early mornings, attending classes, doing homework (including lots of reading) and singing in choir. I have wonderful room mates, who cause a smile to flit across my face endlessly and who make my heart light with happiness and blessedness. I gained a new friend named Becky...she's pretty cool. My apartment is beautiful and awesome! I love it. My room mate Treana has a duck that decorates our living room t.v. cabinet. Despite my health education classes being rather liberal and full of hubla about Obama health care and how great Canada's health care is, I love my classes and enjoy them....for the most part. My health classes make me think about things, if nothing more than that and my communication classes are easy and enjoyable. I have been more involved in things and people this first month of the school year than I ever was all last year. That, I do believe, is a good thing....and has been my goal. I have decided to participate in the prayer walk they have every week and also am planning on getting involved in homeless ministry, if possible. I have yet to find a main church to attend while I'm here at CBU however. The church I went to last year requires me to find someone with a car who also attends that church....which I have been unable to do so far. My room mate goes to a small church near by though so maybe I"ll go with her next week. I have many things to blog about that happened this past was such a glorious summer. I shall blog about them soon. Now, I must go think about getting myself some dinner and decided what I'm going to do tonight...prayer walk, homework, or an event. Adios.