Thursday, June 9, 2011

Those lazy days of summer.......

So far, my summer has consisted of sleeping in, eating lots of food, and reading with/to my bubba and doing school with him. That just so happens to be his favorite at this season in his life. I read it a lot.

Friday, June 3, 2011

New Song Tour : 2011 - Aftermath

New Song 2011 Tour is over. It drained me physically, mentally and emotionally. Yet, the experiences that tour took me through made it well worth it. I was drained of my strength….yet strengthened. I was drained of my emotions by roller-coaster events…..yet filled with peace. The Devil was at constant work throughout the two weeks of tour, trying so hard to break New Song apart, destroy our hope, extinguish our joy, and push us to the breaking point. Yet throughout it all, Christ was our Sustainer. The women of New Song pushed forward in sisterhood and unity. Christ gave us hope when we reached a state of hopelessness, and when one of us reached her breaking point, the others gathered around her and held her up. Throughout everything, from hospital visits, fainting, illness, fender benders, flat tires, emergencies, and critical health problems, God was there - comforting us, sustaining us, loving us and bringing the girls of New Song closer to each other and closer as a body, in Christ. Though the Devil was most definitely at work during tour, so was God…and God’s work is more powerful than any of the Devil’s work. Tour had its ups and downs. There were ecstatic highs, apathetic middle ground, and brutal lows. Throughout it all though God was teaching me (and I have no doubt all of New Song). He showed and reminded me how amazing He truly is. He showed me the truth in the words ‘where two or more stand and agree the Spirit will come down’ when over 40 girls knelt together and prayed with all their might. He reminded me of His awesomeness when he brought someone back to life. He reminded me that He is in control and one cannot live or die without His will and ‘O.K.’. He taught me (with the help of Doug and Joel) that suffering takes place in order that we might be reminded of how much we need Christ as our savior. It draws us closer to Christ…and during tour, it drew us closer to each other. God showed me that His strength is enough and will always be enough. He will always give me strength to get through the day. He gave me peace when I was terrified. When I wanted to sob my heart out…when my heart was breaking…Christ wrapped me in His arms of comfort and love. He showed and reminded me that His mercies are abundant and new every morning and He. is. always. faithful. He will always be faithful. Tour – it was a grand adventure. Tour – it was full of experiences that drew me, perhaps all on tour, even, closer to the King of Kings…the Lord of Lords. Throughout those two weeks, that sometimes felt like a life time, I constantly stood amazed in all of God’s glory and power and greatness. He never ceases to amaze me and I pray I’ll never lose my wonder and amazement at his awesomeness. May God continue to shape, mold, and stretch us throughout this life…and may He always be glorified and honored as the one and only GOD.

New Song 2011 Tour : Day 16

What an early morning it was today….but it was so worth it. Yessi and I didn’t have alarms, so our host mom came and woke us up this morning at 6:50. Not having to curl our hair was great. We had very little to do to get ready and had a quick breakfast of cereal before leaving. Apparently yesterday there was a bad tornado in Missouri. Our host mom has family in the town that the tornado was, so she’s worried about them. She’s couldn’t get a hold of them because the phone lines are all down over there. So, we’re praying for her family. Praying that they are all right. Everyone was so excited on the bus today! Home was within reach! I missed my bus buddy, Victoria though. It was a long bus ride…about 3 or 4 hours. We didn’t make any stops though, not even for bathroom breaks, though….we just wanted to get home. Everyone was cheering as Magnolia came into sight. Home Sweet CBU. I’ve never been so happy to see CBU before…or to get off the bus. Alysha, Sherie and I walked to the dorms to get our stuff out of storage…and found our cards have been deactivated and won’t open the doors anymore. The cleaning ladies were sitting inside, but they just looked at us as we knocked on the door and tried to get in, then they walked away. Ugh. Alysha called Merea and she said she’d be their in 10 minutes or send someone. Then we saw a Security/public safety guy and asked him to let us in. He let us in and we went and grabbed Alysha’s bags. But then the security guy said that he had just called his boss and his boss said he couldn’t let us in unless an RD or RA was there. Soooo…..we put Alysha’s stuff back in storage and went back outside…..and waited for Merea to get there. She showed up shortly after that and let us in. Dad, along with Nick and Samantha, arrived soon after that and we loaded all my stuff up in the suburban. I had forgotten my choir dress though, and wanted to say goodbye to Adrian, who I had left at the music building. So after loading up my stuff, I ran back to the music building…..only to find I had just missed Adrian’s departure by a minute. I was so sad/upset! I didn’t get to hug her goodbye. Sigh. Just my luck. I got my dress, said goodbye to Marissa, who was in the music building, hugged Mariah and Brittaney goodbye, and speed walked back to the suburban….all the way over at the dorms. Saying goodbye to Kayla, Mariah, and Brittaney was hard. I am going to miss them and Adrian and Victoria so much this summer. They definitely are wonderful friends and I love them. Colette and her parents had come over when we were loading everything up, to say hi and visit, and were still there when I got back. We all talked for a short time, then bade each other goodbye and parted ways---us to lunch and our hotel, them to Colette’s grandma’s house. After a nice lunch at Carl’s Jr., checking in at the hotel, and resting a bit, we decided to go the Tyler Mall. We walked around in there for a while, then drove around scoping out our dinner options before returning to the hotel. I caught up on fb and blogs, while they watched tv. At 6:30 we headed out for dinner. We had planned on going to Hometown Buffet. However, the place that Dad had thought was Hometown Buffet….turned out to be an Office Depot. How he thought Office Depot was Hometown Buffet I have yet to figure out….but it gave us all a laugh. We ended up eating pizza instead. We had bomb breadsticks and pizza though….so good! Dad made a grocery store stop to pick up some water after dinner, before going back to the hotel for more TV, facebook and resting. Tomorrow we drive home! Life is good. Very good. (and needless to say….I’ve been talking nonstop since Dad, Nick, and Samantha have arrived).

New Song 2011 Tour : Day 15

New Song Tour 2011: Day 15. The beginning of the end. Sleep was wonderful…..getting up in the morning….not so much. But hey…ya gotta do what ya gotta do. April and I scurried around getting ready and she ended up being done before me and went to breakfast, while I slaved over my hair with a hot curling iron. April is on luggage crew, so she had to get at the church 15 minutes early. The guy was kind enough to take her to the church first, while I ate breakfast, and then came back and got me and drove me to the church. Since they only lived 2 minutes from the church, it worked out well. Our concerts this morning were wonderful. We had two, one for each morning service the church had. It was Abigail P.’s home church, apparently. They were warm, receptive people. Before the first concert, we had devotions with Joel. He gave us a nice pep talk, in attempts to rouse us and finish strong today! Chad, one of the guys from last night and one of the Pastor’s sons, played the drums for their worship time, and then we performed. Daniel played drums for us, like a trooper! It was really neat, actually. He’s real good on the drums. In between the morning concerts, there were doughnuts and coffee. I don’t like eating before concerts in the morning though, so I just had water for my throat. Kayla accidentally spilled juice and yogurt on Adrian’s dress…….Adrian was not pleased. I definitely laughed though. Hehe. Once the concerts were done, we changed and loaded up on the bus to drive to Tulare…..our last concert. So crazy that tour is basically over. We watched a movie on the bus during the drive. The highlight of the drive and most amusing aspect of the drive was when I sat on my lunch. I was standing up to hand something to someone and had placed my subway sandwich on my seat. Then the bus lurched and I ended up falling and sitting down abruptly on my seat….and on top of my sandwich. Everyone was highly amused. Oh me……I’m a piece of work, I am. I threw my sandwich away, after that… just wasn’t appetizing or appealing to me anymore. We stopped in a outlet place for 45 minutes, to kill time again today. Victoria and I went off in search of a bathroom which was an adventure. We went in a store and they sent us to another store for a public bathroom….but we didn’t want to walk that far, so we walked over to the movie theater….where we got shut down and rejected, because we weren’t customers. So then, we walked around till we finally found public restrooms. Afterward, we made a stop in Baskin Robbins, because Victoria wanted a milk shake. By then, it was time to walk back to the bus. Victoria Pouncy is amazing….I love her and am so glad I’ve gotten to know her through choir and tour. We’ve realized we’re very alike….so much it’s kinda scary. She writes….I write. She likes the same kind of music as me. We have the same ideas, same likes....same thoughts. We have tons of fun together too. Tour wouldn’t have been nearly as fun as it’s been without her. Thank you, Lord, for bringing Victoria into my life.

Our concert tonight went quite well. The church was great, the people were great. It was a good time. It was Marilee’s church, and her fiance is the Jr. high leader there. It was a good place for a grand finale, which is what tonight was for Team New Song. When the concert was over, people were crying. Not the audience though (though some of them may have been crying. I don’t’ know). No, it was people in New Song who were crying. Tonight is good bye. New Song Tour 2011 is over. Victoria left tonight, with her mom. Saying goodbye was hard, but I know I’ll see her in the fall, if not before. She might come visit me over the summer. I hope so. I miss her already. I have a host home with Yessi tonight. The couple are so nice and made us feel right at home. They gave us cream puffs, M&M’s and Peanut Butter Pretzels for dessert and chatted with us. I had a bonding experience with them as we started talking about Southern Gospel. The guy use to sing and tour with his brother in a southern gospel group called ‘The Hoopers”. He let us hear a song they use to sing, which was awesome. Poor Yessi didn’t know what we were talking about, since she doesn’t listen to Southern Gospel and has never listened to it. She hasn’t even heard of Bill Gathier before! When she went to go take her shower, I wandered into the piano room with the host mom. They have the most beautiful piano ever……it’s a beautiful, sleek black, shiny, grand piano in one room. They let me play it and it was heavenly. I want it. Then the lady and I started talking up a storm about awesome southern gospel singers. She broke the depressing news to me that The Beene Family is breaking up/quitting. I am so sad!!! I love them! But, I give them props for stopping and settling down and being with their families. I applaud them for that. Their children and family need them. Yessi and I are going to watch some tv tonight before going to sleep….we have set bed time for 11:30 for us. Tomorrow’s call time is 7:30….and we go back to CBU tomorrow. Home is just around the corner. New Song 2011 Tour is over.

New Song 2011 Tour : Day 14

Well, only one day left of tour after today. Once I fell asleep, I slept quite well. I overslept though and so had a limited time to get ready before breakfast in the lobby. The elevator was really loud and creaky....and scary. I'm just saying. After breakfast, we hurried back to our room to gather up our luggage and take it to the bus. We performed at another part of the conference again today. It was the youth conference. We sat through the first half once we arrived and then had lunch, which was tastey. They had a professional, record breaking, champion juggler performing during lunch. It was pretty awesome. He even juggled with lighted torches. So cool. After lunch we sat through another couple of speakers, including Steve B. However, I didn't get to say hi before he and his wife and daughter left. Then it was time for our about a flop/fail. We sounded awful....and everyone was lazy, sloppy, and greatly lacking in energy. After our performance, Marissa had us gather around her outside on the grass. There, she gave us a talk. She was very disappointed and frustrated with our lack of effort and urged us to not be quitters and to finish this tour strong. Then she prayed for all of us and we loaded on the bus.

Side Note:*
During our concert today, Marissa announced that H's son is now fully awake and recovered! From that moment on during the concert I was beaming. I almost started crying. How great is our God! He is so mighty and majestic and He answers prayers. He gives life and takes it away. Only He can give and take away life. He can do the impossible and improbable. Thank you so much, Jesus! You are an awesome God!

On the way to Modesto, we watched 'She's the Man' which was fun, although it did deprive me of my nap for the day. We didn't have a concert tonight, but we have one tomorrow so we set up for tomorrow's concert tonight. Then we were all sent home with our host families. April and I got put together again. Our host family, Jerry and Marie, are so, so, very nice. They are very warm and friendly. I love them. They have five kids between the two of them....the oldest being 45, the youngest, 21, who happens to be adopted from Peru and has 2 little sons and another on the way. They live 2 or 3 minutes from the church, which is nice. They served us a delicious dinner of spaghetti, garlic bread, and salad, and gave us ice cream bars for dessert. We all sat and talked for a while after eating. And then, the church was holding a get together/hang out thing for those housed close by the church, so our couple dropped us off there at the church. I was reluctant to go, since I"m tired, but it ended up being a wonderful time. The youth minister was there, along with Christian and Chad, the pastor's two adult their 20's. A young couple and their adorable baby girl, Aidan, were there as well. We were the first to get there, which was a bit awkward, but then more girls showed up. Two sisters from the church and a guy named David also showed up. There was pizza and ice cream for all....but I was full from dinner so declined it. We all talked and visited and played games. Then they asked us to preview the concert for them and sing some songs. So, we sang a couple for them and sang a few more worship songs with them. It was fun. I like it when worship sessions break out. After singing we just all hung out and talked together some more. I definitely stole the baby for a while tonight. I also got to have a conversation with David. He just finished firefighter academy. He is becoming an EMT and hopes to move up from there to become a medic. We chatted about medical stuff together.....and it basically fueled my 'nursing fire' again. I just want to be one so badly....but I am just so torn as to what to do....sigh. I enjoyed our conversation immensely...while feeling like a nerd cause I knew some of the medical stuff he was talking about. He seemed like a real nice, godly young man. He is very passionate about his career too. He loves it, he says. Our host mom came and picked us back up eventually, and so here I am in the bedroom we're staying in. Call time tomorrow is 8:45 A.M. We have two concerts in the morning and one in the evening....and then I go HOME!!!! So excited. Our host family has the cutest, fluffiest puppy dog ever, named Molly. She's super cute. She's a white puddle....the cutest poodle I've ever seen...and I hate poodles. But she's so cute! They blow dry her hair which is why it poofs. She's super friendly and playful. I want her. Well.....out of room to write on this notebook. Good night.

*The information received about H's son was false/wrong. Little Marckus is still in the hospital, and while recovering, he is still not awake. He moves his legs and arms and response when spoken to...but he still has not/won't wake up. Pray that he will continue to heal. Pray that God will give him a full recovery. Pray that Marckus will wake up from his 'sleep'.

New Song 2011 Tour : Day 13

Day 13. Slept very well......I was....and still am....tired. It was so cold this morning, but it warmed up fast. We all scurried to get ready and then walked to the food hall for breakfast. I got some mint tea for my throat. My throats been getting extra scratchy and clogged of late. After breakfast, we went back to our room to finish getting ready. Since the water was cold. I opted not to shower for the day...which made for gross hair today, big deal. I don't shower in cold water. We waited around outside for our second bus and the girls from home-stays to arrive. Someone took Adrian's seat so she moved to our bus for the day. Sleeping and listening to people chattering to each other filled up my time on the bus in the morning. We made stop at this Casa De Fruita place. It had some little shops, a carousel, a little train to ride, and a park/playground and pond. It was cute and pretty, even if it was in the middle of no where. I hung out with Adrian, Kayla, Miriah, Pouncy, and Brittney during our three hours spent there. A group of us girls played 'Ninja' at one point while there. That was fun. I used control and abstained from buying anything. (of course, not having any money helped). I really wanted to buy pickle flavored gum though!!!! After our adventure outdoors, we drove 2 or 3 more hours to Santa Clara. We had 3 performances at a Southern Baptist Convention: 2 concerts with a bigger main group and 1 with a smaller group. They went ok. We all are staying at a hotel tonight.....a very shady, sketch hotel. The characters here are way sketchy. The room I stayed in with Victoria W., Audrey H., and Abigail P. was a few doors down from some creepy guys. These creepy men were walking around right outside our window and door and staring at us when we were our of our rooms. Audrey and I settled down for bed and such like right away, while the other two left for Denny's. But, now for the story/drama of the night. Victoria P. had signed up to house with her mom for tonight, but when her mom arrived at the concert she had changed her mind. Victoria's mom had been driving all day for her work and was all tired out and didn't want to have to drive Victoria back at call time in the morning, since they live quite some ways away from Santa Clara. Stephanie however said that there might not be enough rooms at the hotel and they would have to wait and see. So after the concert, Victoria's mom followed the buses and Marissa to the hotel. was taking forever forever, and Victoria's mom thought that Marissa got a little lost (and she was following her so....) and Victoria's mom started feeling sick. So she just went home. We all figured Victoria could just sleep on the floor or something in one of our group of friend's rooms. When we got to the hotel we just waited for Stephanie to help people with their rooms and keys. Then Stephanie turned to Victoria and informed her that she was 99.9% sure there wasn't a slot for her....sorry. Victoria and I told her how Victoria's mom had gotten sick and gone home. Stephanie simply said that she was sorry, but someone needed to come pick Victoria up, then went back to assigning rooms and handing out keys. We waited for Marissa to come, so we could talk to her about it. Let's just say that by this time though, I was ticked....way ticked. I definitely gave Stephanie attitude when we talked to her. I shouldn't was wrong of me....but I just don't understand what the big deal was/is. It doesn't cost extra to stick another person in a room.....nor does it hurt or mess up any plans. I know she's just doing her job and all......just didn't really get why it was such an issue. I shouldn't have had the attitude though.....I"m sure she didn't need that. Anyways, while waiting for Marissa, Stephanie asked if I was already in a group/room and that's when my hot headed attitude kicked in and I said no, not until the issue with Victoria is finished. So she just stuck me in a group. I know my attitude was wrong....but I"m very defensive of my friends. She was just doing her job....but I was upset. Finally, Marissa and Stephanie came over. After a talk, Marissa then said that Victoria would just have to see if someone would let her stay in a room with them. We politely said ok, thanks, that's fine and they went on their way. My real response and first thoughts, when we were told that though......well, I won't repeat doesn't belong on this blog....and it was full of attitude...but....uh.......wasn't that what we'd been saying all along??? That Victoria could stay with one of us??? Uh....yeah. That was a big issue over a very small thing......but ok. Anyways, Victoria ended up staying with Kayla, Adrian, Brittany, and Miriah and it was all fine. I still just don't understand why they made such a huge deal out of it but....what ya gonna do?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Song 2011 Tour : Day 12

*This is the one day I forgot to really record the happenings and going on's, so it will be a bit shaky....but I'll try to remember and write down all of this day that I can remember.

For rising at "Stupid O'clock", I was very chipper this morning. I curled my hair, got ready for the day, ate a splendid home made Omelet (made by my host dad) for breakfast, and loaded up the car to head to the buses. Dang, was their house way back in the words.....roads twisting here and there and everywhere.....a fellow could get lost out there. We had a long bus ride today, to North Fork. When we finally arrived, it appeared to be in the middle of no where. Literally. It was in the sticks.....there was no other building around the church....seriously. However, the people there were warm, friendly, and hospitable. They served us a tip top, potluck kinda dinner, which was eaten outside......the city folks in our choir were easy to spot. A spider made his appearance on several of the ladies.....and they screeched like buzzards. Knats and mosquitoes where in the air too, and the disgusted complaints from prissy, city ladies were heard all over. Marissa was bit on the face by a spider. I didn't laugh.....of course not. Not me. Really though, it was quite rude of all those girl's who squealed and made a big deal of eating outside and having bugs around. Grow up. Really. And learn some manners. Ugh. Anyways.....the food was quite delicious and we then set up for the concert and....performed. The concert went very well. The people loved us and were really touched by our songs. It was a tiny, ity bity church, but, we managed to fit, and God used us to bless those listening. They informed us that North Fork was the center of California. (Apparently it's famous for it's two grocery stores and one gas station....). After the concert, we torn down the gear, gathered our luggage, and waited to be pawned off to families again. Some of the girls were shipped off to host families. Then, 40....or 60....I don't remember which....of the girl's loaded up on one of the buses and we were taken to a camp, for the night. It took us forever to get to the camp.....over an hour. We just kept driving...and driving....and to nothingness and woods and sticks. Just when I'd decided that they were just driving us into the woods to massacre us all and leave our bodies in the woods for the bears, we arrived at Yosemite....and then at the camp place. I roomed with Sheree, Jessica R., Carol Ann, Lineka, and Michelle. We hit the hay shortly after moving into the room......however.........the rest of the hall seemed to have other ideas. They were so loud and obnoxious and loud! Finally, I stormed out there and asked them, politely, to quite down a bit, as some people, including all in my room, where trying to sleep. They quieted down....for 3 minutes....then the ruckus started up I stormed out there again and hissed "SHHHHH!!!!!!!" as loudly as possible. They quieted down for about 5 minutes this time before starting up. But the noise died down shortly afterward, thankfully. Peace and quiet......some people don't understand the meaning or need for it. sheesh. These blankets.....they smell weird....musty. Good night.

New Song 2011 Tour : Day 11

Day 11. For breakfast our host family made us a delicious breakfast of oatmeal, toast, and bacon. They were so kind. Our call time was 9 today....but our new bus driver arrived a little late. His name is J---. He's real nice. I like him. H. called our other bus driver, M--- to let us know that nothing has changed with her son, and to thank us for our prayers. All we can do is keep praying. We stopped at the Walmart in Redding again for about an hour and a half. Surrounded by good deals, my self control died....again....and I spent money. I am really out of money now. I bought two C.D's (Lady Antebellum and Darius Rusker) and two pens, because I accidentally left mine at my host families house. After killing time at Wally World, back on the road we went. We watched the weirdest movie ever, called 'Spirited Away'. Then....they decided to watch 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith.' To say I was upset is an understatement. But we won't go there. Let's just say I was disappointed that X----, working to become a pastor, or something like that, voted for it and promoted it. Finally, we got to the church and ate dinner - Meat loaf. Jasmine H. fainted at t he end of our rehearsal and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. She's been feeling sick all day and been unable to keep any liquids (or food, for that matter) down, all day. She's been unable to drink and keep it down, so she's dehydrated. The concert itself wasn't as good as normal, either. We didn't sound that good. I was tired, grumpy, and struggling to smile. I almost feel asleep on the risers during the concert, I was so worn out. That's a first. I was put with Jasmine D. Bibby, Mickey, Amanda, and Lynnea. I stayed in a room with Jas and Bibby. The host family is very nice. They are a cute, elderly couple, who were married 6 months ago. They met online apparently and their former spouses both had died of cancer. We all had a good time chatting and laughing together before going to sleep. Call time tomorrow is at 7:45 A.M. So early. It's going to kill me....I just know it.

New Song 2011 Tour : Day 10

Day 10: New Song Tour 2011. I got up, got ready, minus a shower, today, and went downstairs to breakfast. Then we went back to the church where half of us chilled and hung out till 1:30 ish - 2:00 ish. The other half was driven to our next concert church in Shasta (since we only had one bus driver/bus). Victoria and I walked to the nearby town and found an adorable coffee shop where we sat, drank peppermint cappuccinos, and talked a up a storm. We fell in love with the coffee shop and didn't want to leave. It had a cozy atmosphere, with a cute sitting area, and they served the drinks in huge, over-sized, real mugs! Victoria and I planned out the perfect plan of having her/our own little coffee shop in a small town with the setting of this one and with an art gallery above it on a second floor. Finally, we headed back to the church. The bus was a little delayed in getting back for the second group of people, but it eventually arrived and off we went to Mt. Shasta. It's so beautiful up here. I think I could be very happy living in Mt. Shasta, or nearby. Kayla curled my hair before the concert and it looked the best it has yet, curled. The church fed us a wonderful, delicious dinner of boneless ribs before our performance. The concert went well, as usual. Tonight's home-stay is with Christiana (who happens to be from New England) Taylor, Danielle and myself. The older couple hosting us are nice. They were married about three years ago and now live in Organ. However, they own a nice little cabin here in Mt. Shasta, up in the woods. It's a cute, cozy place. It reminds me of Uncle Scott's old house in Boulder Creek. Smells like it too, for that matter. Danielle and Taylor are in the spare bedroom, because they are allergic to cats and there's a cat here. Christiana and I are on the pull out couch. Tomorrow we head to Grass Valley....hopefully our new bus driver is here by tomorrow at our call time...9 A.M. All day I today I was fighting tears and just wanted to go home. I"m overwelmed by what has happened with H's son. I pray God helps me tomorrow. But, mainly I just pray for H. and Marckus. I didn't call mom today, 'cause I knew I'd cry. During our time at the church this morning, Marissa played hymns and a group of some of the girls gathered around the piano and sang. It really was such a powerful thing. One could feel the presence of God in that little corner of the room. This tragedy has definitely brought us girls closer to each other....and more in touch to/closer with God. Lord, if it be Your will, heal Marckus. Help him to be O.K. Give G. and the rest of Marckus' family Your strength....wrap them in Your arms of comfort and love. Surround them with Your presence.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New Song 2011 Tour : Day 9

For getting up at 6:30 A.M. I'm pretty cheerful and alert. It's a new day and it's beautiful....but cold. Our host mom was already gone at work this morning, but the guy and his daughter were still there. He fed us french toast, eggs, and bacon. So delightful. He also packed us a lunch of subway sandwiches, and snacks. When we got to the church the one bus wasn't there and the other bus was locked. 40 of the girls, or somewhere around that number, along with Marissa and the bus drivers had stayed at a ranch for the night. They were about 15 minutes late, which left the rest of us standing in the cold while waiting for them to show up. But eventually they arrived and off we went. We stopped at a Walmart again for 3-4 hours to kill time. Good deals in Walmart when I have my wallet with me is a bad idea. Not good. I ended up buying 3 DVD's (Breakfast at Tiffany's for Colette, Horton Hears A Who for the kids, and I,Robot for me, hehe), some tank-tops and a pair of shorts. After the four hours passed, we were off once again. We watched 'The Illusionist' on the bus. It was pretty good. Finally, we arrived at the church in Yreka.

5/16/11 Update: *
It's amazing how a wonderful evening, complete with a good concert can turn into a nightmare in a matter of minutes. One minute you're laughing and talking with friends, the next minutes you're crying, you feel sick inside, and your heart is breaking. After the concert, about half of the girls left with their host families. The rest were sitting in the pews, waiting to go to a hotel. Then...the happy night was shattered. Marissa asked us to all get on the stage and just sit down. Then she informed us that one of our beloved bus drivers, we'll call her H., had received a phone call saying that her young son had had a severe athsma attack, was being taken to the hospital by ambulance and had stopped breathing. Marissa told us to pray and we all gathered on the stage and began fervently praying. Then Marissa returned a while later, crying and shook her head at us, unable to speak for a few moments. H had gotten a phone call implying that her son had not made it. We all were crying and praying hard again, for H. and her family and for God to comfort them. Marissa then came a third time and said that H. had recieved word that her son had a heart beat again and was breathing through life support. We lifted up prayers of praise and more prayer for Marcus and his family. Then we gathered around the piano and sang "I Stand Amazed" which is one of H's favorite song that we do....and the song said what we were all feeling at that moment. Then H. came in. I won't go into details.....there is no point, and H deserves privacy...but I can not even describe how awful it was to see her grief....and be able to do nothing. We gathered around her and sang the song again, just for her. Then we prayed for her. It was one of the hardest nights and things for me to see her and her great pain and grief....and be able to do nothing for her and her son. We all got on the other bus and the 40 of us who were left without host homes went to a hotel. It was a nice hotel with an indoor pool. I roomed with Bibby, Gabby, and Victoria P. We had a good time, talking with Jasmine, who visited us, but I couldn't get the nightmarish events that had taken place just hours before, out of my head. H's son is in a coma now, this morning (5/17/11). H flew home to be with her son this morning. I hate that I can't do anything but pray...but I know prayer is a powerful thing. God is in control.

*H's son, Marckus, is now responding to people talking to him, but he is not speaking and hasn't woken up. He is now off of the ventilator....but the next step in his recovery is for him to wake up. Please pray for God's healing upon him. Pray that he would be restored to full recovery and that God would be with him and his family during this time.

New Song 2011 Tour : Day 8 (Halfway There)

Sleeping on that mattress was like sleeping on a cloud. None of us wanted to get up out of bed. But, we had to. Bibby volunteered to do my hair and make up which was awesome. It looks pretty bomb, if I do say so myself. The host mom, Carol, was late in getting up and ready so we had to skip breakfast. It was quite sad because she had already cooked the bacon and eggs and the smell was tantalizing. Oh well. It was raining so everyone's pink dresses were all spotted and wet. Luckily they dry fast. The concert went splendidly and they fed us a delicious lunch of hamburgers and lots of different salads and desserts. After lunch we loaded up on the buses to drive to Shasta for our next concert at 6 P.M. I slept for most of the drive. Victoria and I were sitting together and woke me up when it started snowing and we reached the place where snow was. This was her first time seeing snow fall in person and she was excited about it. The concert went very well and the church fed us a nice meal with amazing bread rolls, before the concert. It's quite cold here in Susanville, but not too bad. April and I are together for the night. Our host family is great. The lady and man have two daughters, one is a junior in high school, named Amy. The other, Paige, is away at Shasta College, so we're sleeping in her room. They served us ice cream and delicious rum cake. They have two dogs, one a little fluffy thing, and one a boxer puppy, and a calico cat. The mom is a nurse who works with inmates at the prison. The dad works at another prison as security, or something or other like that. Unfortunately April and I can't get the wifi to work so no internet again tonight. oh well. It won't kill me. In fact it's good for me. Today I have been dwelling on the psalm that says "Create in me a clean heart, oh God; and renew a right spirit within me." That has been my prayer today. I've been praying every day of tour that God would give me His spirit of love and patience to help me show His love to those around me...even when I want to snap at them. I know He'll help me. This bed looks comfy, so I think I"ll retire for the night, even though it's only 10. Sleep is important these days....and scarce. The first week of tour is over. New Song Tour 2011 : Halfway There.