Saturday, October 31, 2009


I was thinking the other day about how so very often we give God the leftovers of our lives and hearts. So often, we schedule our lives and days around God, instead of the other way around, which is how it should. We read our Bible, if we 'have time' to read it. We have prayer time with God, there is time. All too often I will find myself going through the day, and though I've said hello to God, and prayed through out the day, it was all leftovers. Not only that, but all the prayers I uttered that day were selfish. I think we do that a lot. We go through our rushed, harried, day, with only a few hurried minutes to read a Bible verse or two, and send off a quick, hasty, prayer. Then we carry on with the rest of our day. Oh, we might pray through out the rest of the day, but are not those prayers filled, for the most part, with pure selfishness? "Lord help me on find this; Lord, give me strength; give me this; I want/need this; Lord, give me Your peace in this. I am NOT saying it is wrong to pray for oneself!!! I am not saying it's wrong to pray for your needs and wants and desires! There is nothing wrong with that. I am saying that when we go through the day, having spent very few minutes in God's Word, and talking with him, and then going through the day with prayers spent on you, that is giving God leftovers. This is the God who created the universe! He is your Savior, your God! He is omnipotent and omnipresent. Lord of all the earth! He deserves more then measly leftovers of our hearts and lives. Praise Him, adore Him, worship Him! Give Him the finest part of the meal, and not the leftovers! I fail in this area so many times. So many times, my Savior only gets a quick prayer, and two minutes where I read a Bible verse. Then I go about my day, praying through out it quick little selfish prayers, asking for things, even though I haven't even given Him time that day, and haven't even given Him the praise and adoration He deserves, that day! This is the God who the Author and Finisher of Life! He is the true meaning of 'Awesome'! He is Awe-inspiring! He is the mighty one, the all powerful one! He is God!!!!! He deserves so much more then my leftovers! He is so much worthier then that! I should be flat on my face, kneeling on my knees before Him! Anyways, those are just my thoughts of the day! :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Brothers and Sisters...

We are not only our brother's keeper; in countless large and small ways, we are our brother's maker.
~Bonaro Overstreet~

Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there.
~Amy Li~

The mildest, drowsiest sister has been known to turn tiger if her sibling is in trouble.
~Clara Ortega~

Siblings are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring—quite often the hard way.
~Pamela Dugdale

A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life. ~Isadora James~

"An older sister is a friend and defender - a listener, conspirator, a counsellor and a sharer of delights. And sorrows too."
~ Pam Brown~

A brother is a friend God gave you; A friend is a brother your heart chose.

You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.
~Desmond Tutu~

No matter what you've done for yourself or for humanity, if you can't look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished?
~Elbert Hubbard

To have a loving relationship with a sister is not simply to have a buddy or confidante—it is to have a soulmate for life.
~Victoria Secunda~

Sisters annoy, interfere, criticize. Indulge in monumental sulks, in huffs, in snide remarks. Borrow. Break. Monopolize the bathroom. Are always underfoot. But if catastrophe should strike, sisters are there. Defending you against all comers.
~Pam Brown~

I thank God for my siblings!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Sister's Influence

Last night, when I was trying to sleep, stretched out on my Dad's over-sized reclining chair, in the living room, I started thinking about attitudes and influence. To be more specific, a sister's attitude and influence. As a sister, I have a great influence over my siblings, whether they admit it or not. My attitude effects the people around me, especially the people who are around me all the time. Siblings grow up together, they see each other and what each other does, inside the seclusion of the home. Thus, it is obvious that my attitude will effect my siblings greatly. I have an influence and effect over my siblings, one that I can use wisely and for the Lord, or one that I can use foolishly, and for the worse. I can either have a joyful and contented heart each day, spreading that joy and contentment among my brothers and sisters; or I can complain, whine, and stalk around with a disagreeable, discontented heart. As a sister, I can cause the atmosphere in the house to be pleasant, or unpleasent. If I walk around with a joyful, content, kind, and loving attitude, my siblings will obviously be more inclined to act in the same way. But if I walk around complaining, and grumbling, and acting like a nasty, snapping turtle, I encourage my siblings to react in the same way. I am afraid that, more often then not, I am the nasty, snarling, snapping turtle. I go around in the house, snapping at everyone and everything, demanding my way to be done, and all in all causing the atmosphere around me to be thunder clouds and rain. If I would choose instead to have a joyful contented heart, and use love and kindness, my siblings would be more apt to respond with kindness as well. Not only that, a sister's attitude is watched by siblings. As a sister, I am watched by my brothers and sisters, and encourage my siblings to act however I am acting. Once again, I have a choice. I can either show them a quiet, meek, gentle spirit, or a cross, angry, 'loud' spirit. I can be an example of what a joyfu,l contented Christian acts/looks like, or I can be an example of a froward, discontent, bitter Christian. I can endure the pain from my surgery with a joyful contented heart, or I can complain, grumble, yell and snap at everyone around me. The choice is up to me, but how much weighs on my decision.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Shoot me now!

Today, has, without a doubt, been the worse, in regards to the pain I've had since my surgery. I woke up feeling okay. I hadn't even had to get up for pain medicine during the night, though I didn't get a very good nights rest. I was constantly waking up in the night, and pretty much just dozed on and off all night, for some reason. But the pain was small when I woke up. I showered, got dressed and everything, which made me feel even better. I was feeling good enough, I did Math and English. But then at around lunch time, I started getting this awful choking sensation in the back of my throat, and started coughing up phlegm and gagging and stuff. I also started having this stinging, burning pain, which went up and down my throat on the right side, and was so painful it made my right ear hurt! The gagging, coughing, and choking have pretty much gone away now, though there is still a bit of a gagging/choking sensation every once and a while. The cough is gone. But the pain is still bad. The pain medicine doesn't seem to do anything, and nothing I eat or drink will help. I just want point a gun at my head and pull the trigger. I just want this pain to go away! I knew that there would be a great deal of pain involved with this surgery, and I prepared myself for pain, but I expected the pain to at least be diminished after 6 days! Hopefully it will be better tomorrow, because I am so tired of the pain. I would like to ask that you'd pray that the pain would diminish and that my throat would heal.

Friday, October 23, 2009

What I do when I'm bored, sick, and have burnt tissue in the back of my throat!

One of my favorite movies, Sense and Sensibility! I love Elinor, she is my favorite character in the movie!

*Jane* and I have this scene of the movie pretty much memorized!
Aren't they all beautiful and creative and awesome!!!!????

*note: sigh, blogger cut off the edge of some of the graphics I made. And I'm to lazy to fix them right now. So, just visualize the rest of the edge of the pictures, ok?


Tuesday was the day of my surgery. We dropped the kids off at my grandma and grandpa's house the afternoon before, so they wouldn't have to get up early. Tuesday morning, at 4:00, I got up, showered, threw on some comfortable clothes that would be easy to get in and out of. Then we headed for the hospital where the surgery would take place. After we got there and sat down for a while, they called us over and told us that they had us scheduled for noon....uh, excuse me?! All the papers we had, and all the phone calls we've had, we'd always been told that the surgery was at 7:30, and to arrive between 6 and 6:15. We explained this to them, then went and sat down and waiting for them to figure everything out. Finally, they took me to the 'recovery room' to get me prepped for surgery. That way I'd be ready, if the Dr. was able to squeeze me in earlier, then 12, after the other person scheduled for 7:30. As it turned out though, the little boy who was scheduled for 7:30 ate breakfast before he arrived. Thus, he had to wait til one in the afternoon, and I went instead. So, God had it all figured out, and worked it all out, quite nicely! After they put some mask thingy over my face, the next thing I remember is being in the recovery room again, with mom and dad sitting there. I has some Jello, ice water, and iced apple juice. I was in the recovery room for about 2 hours, during which I dozed off a bit, and ate, and.....rested. After that, I was released, and we drove to my grandparent's house, to pick up the kids, after which we drove to the store to get my pain medicine, my anti-inflammatory medicin , and my antibiotic medicine. Then we drove home and I've been resting, sleeping, eating baby food, and such like that, ever since. I am quite tired of mushy, non-filling, baby food! I have been surviving on a diet of Yogurt, Pudding, Sherbet, and some luke-warm chicken noodle soup. Apple Sauce hurts my throat, as does mashed up baked beans, and mashed potatoes try to go up my nose, instead of down my throat, and thus irritates my throat and nose. Ice water is my best friend, at this point in time. It is my constant companion. It eases the pain, and fills me with delight. Milk and Chocolate Milk are also close friends right now. You never know how blessed you are to be able to eat solid foods that actually fill you up until you can't eat them anymore. I haven't been full since Tuesday. Sigh! But I will survive. The pain is...well....painful, and today seems to have been the worse day. I awoke at three this morning, and my throat hurt worse then it's ever hurt. I took my pain medicine, but that only seemed to make it burn all the more. I finally fell back asleep, but the pain has been bothering me a lot today. Right now, thankfully, it isn't that bad. Hopefully it won't hurt bad tonight, and I'll be able get a good nights sleep! I have been spending a lot of time sitting on my rear, and watching movies, as well as spending time on the internet. I also have been spending a lot more time reading my Bible, which is the good thing about this surgery. I have been spending more time praying and reading God's word, and getting closer to Him. For that, I am thankful for!
My throat, by the way, is rather gross looking. So, naturally, I took pictures of it, and will allow you to have the pleasure of viewing it! Because you know you want too! (and if you don't want to, well....too bad!)

Look at that burnt tissue! Notice the absence of my dear tonsils! Pretty nasty, huh? Yeah, and this is two days after the surgery. You should have seen what it looked like the day of the surgery! It was blacker....and grosser....and even yuckier! And that you know...what ever you call it....the thing that hangs down in the middle of your throat....yeah, that was like four times it's regular size!!!! Ouch!
(You are now free to leave me tons of comments full of sympathy and pity! No, really. Go ahead!)

Monday, October 19, 2009

The clock is ticking, bringing the time closer......

Well, tomorrow's doom's day! Tomorrow morning I get my tonsils and adenoids out. So much fun! I don't know how I'm going to handle the excitement and fun.....oh yay. Today was the Pre-Op appointment, which went well. We dropped the kids off at grandma and grandpa's house, for the night, so they don't have to get up at four in the morning tomorrow and go sit at the hospital. We pick them up tomorrow after the surgery. On the way home we picked up a big container of Sherbet(sherbart....sherbert....whatever!) and some Popsicles, for me to eat when I'm miserable and can't eat anything else. We also got pizzas for says it was for me, as my last solid meal for a while. Mm..hmm....sure!
Sigh! I have to get up at 3:50 A.M. tomorrow!!!!!! Not cool! Sooo not looking forward to getting up the early, but...such is life, I suppose. Won't be posting for a while while I'm recuperating, so...uh...don't expect any new posts for awhile, I guess. TTFN!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I live my life by the Cowgirl Creed!

I love this song, so I thought I'd post it on here.

1. Buck the rules
3. Stay balanced in the saddle
4. Ride the trail of adventure
5. Dream as big as Texas
6. Be tough, but be feminine
7. Attack life like its a 1,000 lb. steer
8. Saddle your own horse
9. Rein in your fears
10. Dress for success
11. Ride high in the saddle
12. Ride high, but stay grounded
13. Give others a leg-up
14. Always get back on the horse
15. Ride beside your man
16. Recharge your cowgirl spirit
17. Die with your boots on

Now if I only had a horse.....sigh.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Our newest member of the family, HAPPY THE FROG! He is Joey's 10th birthday present. When a person turns 10 in our family, they get to pick out a pet, and this White's Tree Frog is what Joe picked. Kinda cute, ain't he? The only problem is he refuses to eat! He hasn't since we got him. But oh well. Hopefully he'll eat soon. Joey turned ten last Monday, but we had his little party Sunday. I love birthday parties.....I really do!!! I just love birthday parties, there's always such a large quantity of such good food!!!!!!!! There was lots of good food Sunday! And we got to visit with Grandma and Grandpa, Omi, and Uncle Sock and Aunty Lynn, which was fun.

In other news, last Saturday I took the SAT, and I must say I am SO GLAD IT'S BEHIND ME!!!! Ugh! Stupid test! Who ever dreamed up that lame test should be shot...or hung, not sure which! I am not looking forward to seeing my scores......but moving on!

I dyed my hair red....with Kool Aid! Pretty awesome, eh? Don't answer that. Anyways, it was something totally random, and we all know I'm random, and it was fun and different. So far, the color hasn't washed out yet, though it is fainter now then it first was. Some people say this stuff is permanent, so I'll just have to wait and see. Doubt it will stay permanently in my hair though. This is a picture of it shortly after I dyed it. It's fainter now. But still cool! :)

Random note: I bought Charlie the cutest little hoodie, green with black poke-a-dots....but it was too small for him! Sigh, so sad!

Anyways, I decided to blog today, because soon I won't be feeling like blogging. (I'll explain why in a moment). So this is a little 'scrapbook' blog post, with random little knickknacks and this and that. I won't be feeling up to blogging in a few days because....Tuesday I get my tonsils yanked, pulled, extracted, removed, etc. so I'll be in a bit of pain. Monday I have a pre-op, in the afternoon, and then Tuesday comes the pain. And do you know what time the scheduled my surgery.....6:30 A.M.!!!!!! What in tarnation is the meaning of planning my surgery at such an UNGODLY HOUR!!!!!!!!! A GIRL NEEDS HER SLEEP! Seriously!!!! Sigh.....I sigh in defeat and resignation. What must be done, must be done. But, really!
I am not exactly looking forward to the surgery, of course, as it brings pain, and we all know how much of a wimp I am when it comes to pain. But I'm glad it's finally going to be done, and I'll be glad if it takes away all of my daily sore throats and horrifically bad sore throats I get when sick.

Well, that's enough rambling for now. My goodness, I am a rambling dork, aren't I? But never mind. I would hate to be anything other then what I am, rambling dorkiness and all! I shall post I'm done being in pain, or at least done being out of it from drugs and such! As long as have pain meds I'll be fine....good strong pain meds!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Make your own flu shot!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Survey thingy

-----I decided today, to tag *Jane*, if she wants to. So, tag, you're it! Unless you don't want to......and then you aren't it! :) -----

I found this quiz/survey thingy on another blog, and decided to do it, for fun.

1- Have you been asked out?

2 - Where was your default picture taken?
On my deck.....I took it myself! :)

3 - What's your middle name?

4 - Your current relationship status?
Well, technically, single......I like to consider myself taken though. I am my fathers and God's! And content with the way things are right now.

5 - What's the first thing you do when you wake up from a nap?
Nap....who has time for naps?! On the very rare occasions that I do have time for a nap---I moan when I wake up!

6 - What is your current mood?
Happy, content and tired

8 - What color shirt are you wearing?
Black tank top and gray sweater

9 - Missing something?

10 - If you could go back in time and change something, what would you do?
The way this nation has hardened it's heart to God.

11 - If you must be an animal for one day, what would you be?
Okay.....pretty lame question, lol. I'd be a horse. I could run and jump and have fun!

12 - Ever had a near death experience?
Thankful, and gratefully, no!

13 - Something you do a lot?
TALK! and eat, think, sing, and run. I do those a lot too.

14 - The song stuck in your head?
I Will Go by Starfield

15 - Least favorite household chore?
Hmm....that would have to be dusting!

16 - Name someone with the same birthday as you.
James Taylor; Paul Weston

17 - When was the last time you cried?
uh.....I don't remember. A few weeks, at least. Of course that could change if I break something at Karate tonight..... :)

18 - Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
Uh...define large. I've sung in front of my church....and was in a children's choir once, which had concerts in front of a lot of people at times.

19 - If you could have one super power what would it be?
I hate making decisions!!!! Probably either flying, or being able to read minds. Or maybe being able to run really really fast! Or to be like Elastic Girl!

20 - What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Their personality and how they act. Whether they are full of them selves, or full of God.

21 - What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Uh....I don't order from Starbucks.....I make my own coffee treats, or go to the little coffee drive thru shack.

22 - What's your biggest secret
It wouldn't be a secret anymore, if I told you, now would it?

23- What's your favorite color?
PURPLE!!!!!!! I also happen to be a fan of blue, green, and pink too!

24 - Do you still watch kiddie shows or tv shows?
DUH! Of course I do! Hey, I have younger siblings.....I have to watch such shows with them. Actually though, it's kiddie movies and not shows that we watch. I still watch Disney.....because it keeps me young at heart!

25 - What's on your walls?, a mirror, a calender, necklaces hanging on a nail, and pink and purple and blue sponge paint!

26 - What are you?
A Christian young lady, a Daughter of the King, a daughter, sister, friend, cousin, niece, and granddaughter. A crazy, goofy, weird, nuts, loud, shy, distracted, opinionated, God following, 17 year old girl!

27 - Do you speak any other language?
Espanol.......see, I can speak another language!!!! All kidding, I really can't speak any other language besides English and Slurvarian. Though I am taking Spanish lessons.....they haven't paid off, lol.

28 - What's your favorite smell?
food cooking/baking, flowers, fall, spring, summer, winter, cinnamon, apple pie, apple cinnamon candles and babies!!!!!

29 - Describe your life in one word.
Crazy or Beautiful would both work. Or you could combine them and make Crazy-Beautifulness.

30 - Have you ever kissed in the rain?
Nope...unless you count kissing my cat. In that case, it'd be a yes. :)

31 - What are you thinking about right now?
how I need to get ready for Karate.

33 - What should you be doing?
taking a shower and getting ready for Karate

34 - Who was the last person that made you upset/angry?
I would rather not say.... :) Not only that, I can't remember, so I couldn't tell you if I wanted to.

35 - How often do you talk to God?
All the time, everyday! You can't go very long without talking to Him!

36 - Do you like working in the yard?
Depends on what the work is.....and how hot it is outside.

37 - If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?
I'm fine with the last name I have.

39 - What is your natural hair color?
Brunette, of course! Cause brunettes do it better.......just kidding.

40- What do you want to be when you grow up?
So very many things. I want to be a wife, mother, and homemaker most of all. But if God decided to bless me with singleness, or if my husband turns out to be a missionary, a nurse. I also want to be a song writer, a poet, and an author.

I find it kinda funny that after I wrote 'who had time for naps' and commented on how it was rare that I took one, I ended up taking one today.......
That was abnormal though....not the norm for me. But now I feel energized and ready for Karate tonight! Anyways, I gotta go get myself ready for Karate. TTFN, Ta ta for now!!!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood....


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth

Then took the other as just as fair
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet, knowing how way leads onto way
I doubted if I should ever come back

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence
Two roads diverged in a wood
And I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference

~Robert Frost~