Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting!

I'm a bit behind, but oh, well. Last Thursday, Cameron, one of the guys that goes to Karate, who is also my one Sensei's son, and my other Sensei's brother, was promoted to Black belt! So the dojo decided to throw him a little surprise promotion party, like they had when his brother, Sensei Mike, was promoted. I was still sick then, and a bit unsure if I had a cold, or another sinus infection, and not 100% sure that I wasn't contagious, but I sure wasn't going to miss a black belt promotion! Not me! And of course, the fact that I was pretty darn sure that there would be pizza and cake and ice cream made me even more determined. :) So, ignoring the fact that I was sniffling and snorting, and coughing, I attended Karate---without my Gi on. I wasn't going to miss Cameron's promotion, but I wasn't going to do Karate, and work out while feeling like crud, either. Anyways, he is now a black belt, and now must be addressed as Sensei. You kick butt, and rock and all that Jazz, Sensei Cameron!!!! I was right about the food, by the way. It would have been very enjoyable, even despite that fact that I wasn't hungry, but still was eating it, if I hadn't suddenly gotten horrific heartburn! That was one thing I hadn't planned on. Of course, the awful pain didn't stop me from eating a piece of pizza, and shoving a half a piece of cake in my face, along with some ice cream----all while moaning in pain, and ready to die! Yeah, I' that! Okay, I'm stupid like that! But that's what makes me like myself so much; I'm such a dork!
I was thinking that I should really ask Sensei to give me my black belt party when I get my purple belt; because I have no intention of getting my black belt, or getting a higher belt then purple. I have no desire to get pummeled by five other people. I may be stupid and crazy enough to stuff food into my face when I have heartburn, attend things when I'm sick, and drink pickle juice, but I am not crazy and stupid enough to do that to myself! Besides, I am not as intense as Black Belt's are. I'm sorry, I do not get that into Karate! I am a dorky ditz, who does Karate for her amusement, her self-defense, and because her brothers are doing it, and she doesn't want them to get ahead of her in something. End of story!
Well, I'm babbling again, so its obviously time to end this post. But before I go, tell me I'm cute, adorable, and beautiful. Come on, come on, say it........say it.........
Ahem! I did not ask you to tell me I was a dorky goober, who is apparently brain dead!
You fail!