Monday, August 31, 2009

From baby to little boy......

Happy Birthday, Jackson!!!!!!
*I wrote this Monday, but didn't get around to posting it until today.
Today is my baby brother's 4th birthday! Yesterday afternoon we celebrated it at my grandparent's house. Jacko Bean had a blast, and is very pleased with his presents! He has been playing with them all day today. He also really liked the birthday card from Uncle John. It's one of those cards that has an image that moves, as you move the card back and forth. He was so proud of the fact that he was turning four!

(The food was very good by the way! Very, very good! That was my favorite part! Not really, but it was a very enjoyable part!) As you can see, he had a lot of presents!

I can't believe that my baby boy is 4. He can't grow up! He's not allowed too! He's getting too big, too fast. He's not my little baby any more! He's a little man now! My little baby all grown up! *SOB* Okay, I'm good now! I really don't know where the time has gone though. He's still as cute as ever though! And still as mischievous as ever, too, getting into everything.

Happy Birthday, Bubba!