Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I am blessed!

Now, if one was to look at the world, the economy, and the way this country has fallen apart and away from God,'s enough to bring just about anyone down. Unless you were a terrorist, or an unpatriotic traitor, of course. Then it'd probably bring you up, instead of down. But then of course, you probably wouldn't be a Christian, and thus would have some issues when you died.......big issues......real big issues. And then you won't be up anymore, you'll be down.....but, I digress. Now where was I? Oh, yes! It's enough to bring just about anyone down. But I was thinking just how blessed we still are in America, and how much we have to be thankful for. In particular, I was thinking how blessed I was, and how much I had to be thankful for.

I am thankful, so thankful for the amazing family that God has blessed me with. There is never a dull moment at our house. Of course, sometimes you have to look hard to tell that, but there is always something that undulls the moment. Unless you're a pessimistic; then there's no hope for you, anywhere!

I am thankful for my godly parents who have raised me and my siblings in a home where God is revered, honored, and loved. I would not be the person I am without the parents I have. I would probably not know Jesus if I didn't have the parents I have. So I am very thankful God blessed my life with them!

I am thankful that I have the freedom to follow Christ without persecution, as of right now. I am thankful that God placed me in this country, in America, where you have the freedom to do that, so far. I am thankful that I have the freedom to read God's word, the Bible. Though I may not always be free from persecution for following Christ and reading His word, I am thankful, that as of now, I am.

I am thankful that God has allowed Dad to keep his job. There are so many people out of work right now, and my family is very blessed to not be one of them. We still have a house, food, clothes, and each other. Plus air conditioning and tons of other 'extras' that God has blessed us with! Considering the fact that there are so many homeless, starving people out there, I am very blessed and very grateful!

I am thankful that my siblings know Christ, and because of that, I know I will see them again in heaven, no matter what!

I am thankful that I KNOW that only the Lord is God and the only way to heaven is through Jesus! The ONLY WAY IS JESUS! (I thought I'd just say that again, to get my point across!)

I am thankful that I know that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of sound mind!

I am thankful that I know Jesus, and I am saved by His sweet grace, and I am His daughter! So many people do not know Him, and know nothing of His sweet grace and mercy.

I am thankful that Jesus has saved me from the lies of this world, and that I am safe in His arms!

I am thankful that I know that no matter what happens I have nothing to worry about, nothing to fear, for I know that I am His and He is mine! And neither tribulation, nor distress, nor persecution, nor famine, nor nakedness, nor danger, nor sword, nor death nor life, nor angle nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate me from the love of God! I know that though persecution may come, though I may be hated, scorned, spat upon, chased down like a dog, tortured for following Christ, though my tongue may be ripped out of my mouth, or cut out, though my eyes may be poked out, though my legs may be crushed, though I may be killed, I win. The world loses. I have the victory through Christ. I have an everlasting, uncrushable hope, that the world doesn't have.

I have been blessed beyond measure by the Lord! Yes, the world, it's economy, and it's lack of respect and love for God is sad, upsetting, and distressing. But there are so many things that you have to be thankful for! God's blessings are all around us! And if the world is so sad, upsetting, and distressing, then what are you waiting for?! Make a difference! Warn the world before it's too late and they burn in hell! Share the love of Jesus! Stand up for Christ, and don't be ashamed of His gospel! If you don't stand up for what is right, if you don't stand up for Jesus, then who will? If we don't stand up, and SHOW, not just say, that we are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, then this world, and our beautiful country, it will not turn back to God; and thus it will not get any better, and God will not heal our land.

Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
Romans 8:37