Saturday, September 12, 2009


Well, this should be a happy post, because we are leaving tomorrow for a week at Pismo......but it's hard to have happy thoughts when you feel like complete crud and your throat is burning on fire and in pain and you are tired! I've been sick just about all week, but it was nothing terrible, and it felt like I was getting better, until last night. Last night, my throat started hurting and it hurt all night long, cheating me out of a good nights sleep. And now, that stupid sore throat has still not gone a way, despite Advil's, hot tea, hot pickle juice, and hot lemon-aid. Hopefully it will be gone by tomorrow! This is the camping trip I've been waiting for all summer, and it would be horrible if I was sick all week! I love the ocean and I better not have this killer sore throat the whole time we're there. I'll be glad when my tonsils are out!

Anyways, today we are busy packing, and tomorrow morning we leave. Yay! .....and that's the most happy excitement you're gonna get out of me today.....

In other news, my awesome big brother got his Brown Belt, Thursday! No one else from our family was able to make it to Karate to see if we got our belts, since we were all sick, but Danny was able to go. Yay him! Hopefully, Nick will be getting his brown belt also, Becca will be getting a yellow belt, Samantha and Joey, blue belts, and I'll be getting a purple belt.......hopefully! But, I'm too tired and cruddy feeling to write anymore right now. If anyone reading this knows sore throat remidies, by the way, please comment and give them to me! I'll try anything! :)


Megan said...

Hot Pickle Juice...........YUK!!! That is so gross, girl.

Cara said...

hey, it works! It takes the bite off of the sore throat for a little bit! :) Besides, it tastes good! Tastes better cold though.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry dearest, I agree with Mommy. Gross!
