Saturday, October 31, 2009


I was thinking the other day about how so very often we give God the leftovers of our lives and hearts. So often, we schedule our lives and days around God, instead of the other way around, which is how it should. We read our Bible, if we 'have time' to read it. We have prayer time with God, there is time. All too often I will find myself going through the day, and though I've said hello to God, and prayed through out the day, it was all leftovers. Not only that, but all the prayers I uttered that day were selfish. I think we do that a lot. We go through our rushed, harried, day, with only a few hurried minutes to read a Bible verse or two, and send off a quick, hasty, prayer. Then we carry on with the rest of our day. Oh, we might pray through out the rest of the day, but are not those prayers filled, for the most part, with pure selfishness? "Lord help me on find this; Lord, give me strength; give me this; I want/need this; Lord, give me Your peace in this. I am NOT saying it is wrong to pray for oneself!!! I am not saying it's wrong to pray for your needs and wants and desires! There is nothing wrong with that. I am saying that when we go through the day, having spent very few minutes in God's Word, and talking with him, and then going through the day with prayers spent on you, that is giving God leftovers. This is the God who created the universe! He is your Savior, your God! He is omnipotent and omnipresent. Lord of all the earth! He deserves more then measly leftovers of our hearts and lives. Praise Him, adore Him, worship Him! Give Him the finest part of the meal, and not the leftovers! I fail in this area so many times. So many times, my Savior only gets a quick prayer, and two minutes where I read a Bible verse. Then I go about my day, praying through out it quick little selfish prayers, asking for things, even though I haven't even given Him time that day, and haven't even given Him the praise and adoration He deserves, that day! This is the God who the Author and Finisher of Life! He is the true meaning of 'Awesome'! He is Awe-inspiring! He is the mighty one, the all powerful one! He is God!!!!! He deserves so much more then my leftovers! He is so much worthier then that! I should be flat on my face, kneeling on my knees before Him! Anyways, those are just my thoughts of the day! :)


Walt said...

Wonderful thoughts!