Well, tomorrow's doom's day! Tomorrow morning I get my tonsils and adenoids out. So much fun! I don't know how I'm going to handle the excitement and fun.....oh yay. Today was the Pre-Op appointment, which went well. We dropped the kids off at grandma and grandpa's house, for the night, so they don't have to get up at four in the morning tomorrow and go sit at the hospital. We pick them up tomorrow after the surgery. On the way home we picked up a big container of Sherbet(sherbart....sherbert....whatever!) and some Popsicles, for me to eat when I'm miserable and can't eat anything else. We also got pizzas for says it was for me, as my last solid meal for a while. Mm..hmm....sure!Sigh! I have to get up at 3:50 A.M. tomorrow!!!!!! Not cool! Sooo not looking forward to getting up the early, but...such is life, I suppose. Won't be posting for a while while I'm recuperating, so...uh...don't expect any new posts for awhile, I guess. TTFN!
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