Friday, October 16, 2009


Our newest member of the family, HAPPY THE FROG! He is Joey's 10th birthday present. When a person turns 10 in our family, they get to pick out a pet, and this White's Tree Frog is what Joe picked. Kinda cute, ain't he? The only problem is he refuses to eat! He hasn't since we got him. But oh well. Hopefully he'll eat soon. Joey turned ten last Monday, but we had his little party Sunday. I love birthday parties.....I really do!!! I just love birthday parties, there's always such a large quantity of such good food!!!!!!!! There was lots of good food Sunday! And we got to visit with Grandma and Grandpa, Omi, and Uncle Sock and Aunty Lynn, which was fun.

In other news, last Saturday I took the SAT, and I must say I am SO GLAD IT'S BEHIND ME!!!! Ugh! Stupid test! Who ever dreamed up that lame test should be shot...or hung, not sure which! I am not looking forward to seeing my scores......but moving on!

I dyed my hair red....with Kool Aid! Pretty awesome, eh? Don't answer that. Anyways, it was something totally random, and we all know I'm random, and it was fun and different. So far, the color hasn't washed out yet, though it is fainter now then it first was. Some people say this stuff is permanent, so I'll just have to wait and see. Doubt it will stay permanently in my hair though. This is a picture of it shortly after I dyed it. It's fainter now. But still cool! :)

Random note: I bought Charlie the cutest little hoodie, green with black poke-a-dots....but it was too small for him! Sigh, so sad!

Anyways, I decided to blog today, because soon I won't be feeling like blogging. (I'll explain why in a moment). So this is a little 'scrapbook' blog post, with random little knickknacks and this and that. I won't be feeling up to blogging in a few days because....Tuesday I get my tonsils yanked, pulled, extracted, removed, etc. so I'll be in a bit of pain. Monday I have a pre-op, in the afternoon, and then Tuesday comes the pain. And do you know what time the scheduled my surgery.....6:30 A.M.!!!!!! What in tarnation is the meaning of planning my surgery at such an UNGODLY HOUR!!!!!!!!! A GIRL NEEDS HER SLEEP! Seriously!!!! Sigh.....I sigh in defeat and resignation. What must be done, must be done. But, really!
I am not exactly looking forward to the surgery, of course, as it brings pain, and we all know how much of a wimp I am when it comes to pain. But I'm glad it's finally going to be done, and I'll be glad if it takes away all of my daily sore throats and horrifically bad sore throats I get when sick.

Well, that's enough rambling for now. My goodness, I am a rambling dork, aren't I? But never mind. I would hate to be anything other then what I am, rambling dorkiness and all! I shall post I'm done being in pain, or at least done being out of it from drugs and such! As long as have pain meds I'll be fine....good strong pain meds!